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European Food Law Association - EFLA
The European Food Law Association (EFLA) is an international scientific association that has as its essential goal to study and to promote Food Law, as well as to contribute to its development and to its international harmonisation under conditions taking into account at the same time its specificity, its interdisciplinary nature and its special function, the protection of the consumers.


Le denominazioni merceologiche e geografiche nell’ attuale disciplina communitaria e analisi di limiti di tale disciplina, sia a livello di principi che technico (PDF-FILE)
La  Commissione delle Communità Europee nel suo Libro Verde sulla qualità dei prodotti agricoli: norme di prodotto, requisiti di produzione e sistemi di qualità[1] descrive l’ ndicazione geografica come una denominazione che designa un prodotto agricolo o alimentare le cui charatterische o la cui reputazione possono essere attribuite all’ area geografica da cui proviene.
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Funktionelle Fleischerzeugnisse / Health Claims (PDF-FILE)
Seminar in Kulmbach am 15. April 2008, Powerpointpräsentation im PDF Format
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The concept of "pharmaceutical effect" as criterion to delimitate food from medicinal products
An Analysis of the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.
For the first time the term "pharmaceutical effect" was used by the Court of Justice (CoJ) in the judgment "Van Bennekom" (Judgment of November 30,1983 Case 227/82 C.R. page 3883,3907). However, the Court did not define the term pharmacological effect or pharmacological properties. (more ...)

The European Food Safety Authority
As it can be seen from its title, one of the most important objectives of regulation (EC) N° 178/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (the regulation) was the establishment of a new authority which following the propositions of the European Parliament was to be named European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). (more ...)

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa – 2. Finalità e campo di applicazione – 3. Definizione di "alimento” – 4. Altre definizioni – 5. Legislazione alimentare generale – 6. Principi di trasparenza – 7. Obblighi generali del commercio alimentare – 8. Requisiti generali della legislazione alimentare – 9. Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare, sistema di allarme rapido, gestione delle crisi e situazioni di emergenza.
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